By Sandy Rose Schwieterman – For the Sidney Daily News
NEW KNOXVILLE – The New Knoxville school district board of education learned at their June 27th meeting that the district’s Barn 2.0 gym expansion project is close to completion.
Treasurer Andy Meckstroth told the board the district had paid $540,692.75 toward building the $2,359,900 project. He said it was hoped the project would be completed by the beginning of August. The 10,000-plus square foot auxiliary gym addition will have new locker rooms, a referee changing area, a retractable baseball batting cage and additional storage.
The board approved the treasurer paying a $17,451 purchase order from Majestic Flooring Systems, LLC to completely sand the current gym floor, apply game lines, and topcoat with two coats of finish.
Outgoing Principal Jenny Fledderjohann reported that 28 seniors graduated on Sunday, May 29. The four valedictorians Haley Fledderjohann, Alysha Katterheinrich, Jessica Milter and Erica Weadock each gave farewell addresses she said. Fledderjohann also said the class salutatorian, Parker Banner, gave the opening invocation, while class president Ellie Gabel gave the welcome. The alumni address was given by Preston Meyer, NKTelco general manager and Superintendent Kim Waterman offered other thoughts.
Fledderjohann thanked the board for their support as she transitions from the position of grade 4 to 12 principal to a fourth-grade position teaching language arts and social sciences in the 2022-2033 school year. Her replacement, Mark Platfoot, said Fledderjohann and the office staff had made it easy to transition to the new school system. Platfoot comes from the Hardin-Houston school district where he served as a social studies teacher and varsity basketball coach for seven years.
The board approved the hiring of of summer school instructors Jocelyn Warfield, Olivia Pulfer, Jacklyn Leffel, Elaine Greenbaum, Kelley Mele, Stephanie Gross and Kathy Frankenberg as summer school instructors. Melynda Hawkins was hired as both a full time bus driver and substitute van driver. Nate Jurosic was hired as the girls seventh-grade basketball coach and Dennis Henschen as girls eighth-grade basketball coach. Patrick Covert was hired to be a soccer varsity assistant, while Jocelyn Warfield is the junior high cross country coach and Sarah Quellhorst is head cross country coach. Morgan Brunswick will serve as a summer tutor.
The board approved the expenditures and revenue accounts for the following fields: Student Wellness and Success, Agriculture Education (5th quarter), IDEA-B Special Education, ESSER State Activity, Title IV-A Student Support and Academic Enrichment, Title I-A Improving Basic Programs, Title II-A Supporting Effective Instruction, Expanding Opportunities for Each Child, IDEA Early Childhood Special Education and REAP.
By Sandy Rose Schwieterman
For the Sidney Daily News
The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.
The writer is a regular contributor to the Sidney Daily News.
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