New fitness center system could provide global 24/7 access –

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JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-LACKLAND, Texas – Removing roadblocks from achieving fitness goals is at the heart of the idea submitted by Staff Sgt. Anthony Davis to the 2022 Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center Innovation Rodeo. The shift leader for the 6th Force Support Squadron at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, wants to streamline the process of granting fitness center access to service members and civilians in transit between duty stations.
Originally from Arlington, Texas, Davis is proposing an innovation that will modernize the gain and loss process for fitness centers across the enterprise and help the Air Force remain fit-to-fight. He’s among eight finalists for the 2022 Innovation Rodeo and will pitch his idea to a panel of AFIMSC leaders Aug. 19  in San Antonio.
Davis shared the backstory for his idea and his thoughts about coming to the Alamo City for the annual innovation event.
Q: What is the name of your idea? 
Universal 24 
Q: What is the problem you’re solving? 
When service members or civilians permanently or temporarily change duty stations, 24/7 fitness center access is not automatically established. For example, if someone reports after the fitness center closes for normal staff business hours, they will not be able to maintain their respective fitness schedule until they can check in with staff and are granted access. Additionally, fitness center staffs don’t know when customers change duty stations. This leads to the system getting backlogged with names of people who haven’t scanned in for months, and it can cause the system to go down or delay access for active customers.
Q: What is your solution to that problem? 
Create a web site that fitness staff can update when a customer changes duty stations. Regardless of their arrival time or fitness schedule, customers can maintain their fitness routine without having to wait for fitness staff to manually grant access. 
Q: How did you come up with the idea? 
At MacDill AFB, we have 24/7 capabilities. But when military or civilian personnel arrive at our base, customers must come to the fitness center to get 24/7 access because we have to manually add their information into the system. With the web site, customers would be transferred ahead of time. For example, if a customer is traveling from Altus AFB, Oklahoma, to MacDill, all the patrons would need to do is notify the Altus fitness center staff of their change ahead of time so they can update the system through the web site. Then all they have to do it scan their ID at the front desk of the MacDill fitness center for access, thus, leaving fitness center staff to tend to the other customers in a timely manner.
Q. How will your idea help the Air Force deliver installation and mission support capabilities, improve installations or support families in a better way? 
It will uplift the mission because customers will always have access to the fitness center so they can stay fit-to-fight. It would also cater to busy families who can’t make it to the fitness center during business hours. 
Q. How does it feel to be selected as a finalist for the 2022 Innovation Rodeo? 
It feels breathtaking to say the least! I had a small spark of hope to be involved with this, so just the experience is rewarding. 
Q. You’ll be spending a week in San Antonio, learning from leading innovators, collaborating with industry partners and networking with peers, senior leaders and innovation teams. What are you hoping to gain from that experience? 
I’m looking for inspiration, guidance, networking and the chance to see what’s possible. 
Q: Why do you think innovation and a culture change that empowers Airmen and Guardians is important in today’s Air and Space Forces? 
Things like this give people motivation to speak out about things they may have otherwise reserved due to lack of confidence. Opportunities like this pave the way for bold, innovative leaders for our future. 
Q: Is there anything you would like to add?
Thank you for selecting me. I look forward to this experience and I’m eager to see how everything works.
The 2022 AFIMSC Innovation Rodeo will be streamed live on Aug. 19. For more information on the rodeo, visit


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